
Globe Famous Websites That Are Using PHP

PHP can be still useful for bulky and large-scale projects and tech solutions and make them incredibly successful. Nowadays, there are different opinions about it among professionals in the field. At some point, it started losing its popularity. However, it still encompasses around 80% of all the website’s usage. Let us tell you why it is so. 

Currently, we are facing a time when some organizations and developers indeed think that PHP cannot be used for developing back-end tech solutions anymore in comparison to its popularity before. 

However, there are a lot of companies that still use PHP; moreover, they are incredibly successful because they use PHP for server-side infrastructure development and back-end.

In fact, PHP is quite often engaged for the server-side infrastructure. It is because it gives the top hat support for web and mobile development. As a result, there are many top and world-famous websites that engage PHP in its functioning. 

PHP, What Is This?

PHP/Hypertext Processor is a server-side language. The purpose of its use is quite wide. However, with its help developers create mainly efficient dynamic web pages. From its history, we know that it was one of the first languages that enabled HTML, which made websites content easier to manage, functional, and updatable. 

The rise of PHP technology began in 1994, where it was created as a server-side scripting language. It is a free and open-source server-side language. Initially could be used to create large and small-scale apps. It helps to manage the data efficiently and create dynamic content. It also smoothes interaction with the database for developers. 

PHO is genuinely created to provide the necessary data display on the website. It has two vital parts, which form its use efficiency pillars: language as a script, and interpreter. The language scripts are used for the front-end with the help of HTML, whereas the interpreter is used for the back-end. 

Famous Websites And Projects That Successfully Employ PHP

1. WordPress

WordPress with help of PHP enables a well-functioning content management system. It improves database interaction and data matching. PHP successfully provides data components and transforms them into HTML. Why would it be useful? Mainly for the end-users of word press and user interaction, as they are able to create content components easily. For that, they don’t need to be coders.   

2. Facebook

Facebook also employs PHP for its user interaction and blooms. Actually, that’s because PHP grows and counts around 1.5 bl users globally. PHP allows the creation of functional and dynamic content for this prosperous social media. With PHO content generation is extremely fast and easy. Moreover, FB has contributed itself to PHP development by creating a language called Hack. 

3. Slack

Famous team communication tool used by so many teams all over the world. So, why is Slack using PHP? For productivity and speed. Slack is engaging PHP mainly for its back end. Channels, mentions, instant messaging, all these features are available because of PHP. PHP also minimizes errors. 

4. Wikipedia

Because of the flexibility of PHP, it is widely used for Wikipedia infrastructure. PHP, as mentioned, is open-source, easy to apply, and allows the creation of necessary pieces of content. For Wikipedia, it played a vital role in its popularity and content dynamics. In the case of Wikipedia, PHP is engaged for the back end and for the database.  

5. Yahoo

Written on PHP, the launch and development of yahoo actually emerged from it. Php is used for database interaction and content.  

6. Google 

Initially written on PHP. Even if with the lapse of time, PHP is not actively employed by Google, it has significantly contributed to its popularity. 

7. Mailchimp

One of the biggest providers of email marketing possibilities is also using PHP for its back end and email sending. 

8. Etsy

One of the retail leaders is actively engaging PHP for its development. It has around 46 ml of users only in the US. Because PHP provides huge performance support, Etsy was able to gain popularity. 

9. Tumblr

The parent of all the memes is another name of Tumblr. This website has a huge community, it contains a lot of blogs and millions of visitors. PHP efficiently supports its functioning. It also provides the efficiency of the database and production. 

What Are The Functions Of PHP?

How About The Pros Of Using PHP?

PHP is a server-side language, as mentioned. It was designed to perform content results and server-side tasks. Broadly speaking, its task is to provide the functionality to the execution of server-related tasks. 

Initially, the name was Personal Home Page designed to support relatively small web apps. Later on, with its active engagement, PHP has been engaged in the bigger apps, projects, and ideas implementation

Naturally, through its life, it has been revised several times. It also had its ups and downs. However, PHP is easy to apply and deploy. It is one of the most attractive widespread open-source languages, which continues its path of providing its users dynamic content, performance, and functionality applying less effort than any other language.  

To Sum Up

PHP as a server-side language has been successfully employed by many succeeding companies and projects. This language is user-friendly, is free to use, has a wide community, and has a flourishing portfolio of globally famous projects. With its help, we are able to create interesting content and dynamic UI for users and save long hours of overwork. Over decades of its existence, it has been actively used for web apps and projects with gigantic popularity and served well for efficient functioning. 

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