
Virtual Funerals: The Future of Saying Goodbye

As the world continues to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, things are beginning to change – including how we say goodbye to our friends and loved ones who passed away. In the face of social distancing rules, virtual funerals have become popular for those looking to pay their respects safely and digitally. 

But what is a virtual funeral? How do UK Funeral Directors make it work? And why, during these difficult times, could they benefit so many people? This blog post will explore all of that – plus much more – as we look at how virtual ceremonies will likely shape our future regarding saying goodbye.

What is a Virtual Funeral? How Does it Work?

A virtual funeral is a digital alternative to traditional funeral services. It allows mourners to pay their respects and participate in a funeral service remotely through online platforms.

Virtual funerals usually start with the family and the funeral director organizing the service, including selecting a virtual platform, planning the service order, and sending out invitations to the mourners. The virtual platform can be a video conferencing tool such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams or a dedicated virtual funerals service platform such as GatheringUs, OneRoom, or Restream.

On the day of the service, mourners log in to the virtual platform using their computer or smartphone and join the virtual service. The virtual service usually follows a similar service order to a traditional funeral, with music, eulogies, prayers, and tributes from family and friends. Some virtual funeral services may include pre-recorded videos or photos of the deceased.

Depending on the family’s preferences, virtual funerals can be live-streamed or pre-recorded. If the service is live-streamed, mourners can participate in the service in real-time, allowing for real-time interaction with the family and other mourners. If the service is pre-recorded, mourners can access it later and pay their respects at their convenience.

Virtual funerals can also offer additional features, such as a virtual guest book, where mourners can leave messages of condolence, a virtual reception, where mourners can connect and share memories, and an option to download a recording of the service to keep as a memento.

Benefits of Virtual Funerals

Virtual funerals have become increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional funerals, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. They offer several benefits that have made them a practical choice for families and loved ones of the deceased. In this section, we will discuss the benefits of virtual funerals in more detail.


One of the most significant benefits of virtual funerals is that they provide a safe way to pay respects to the deceased during a pandemic. With restrictions on large gatherings, virtual funerals allow mourners to participate in the service from the safety of their homes without the risk of exposure to the virus.


Virtual funerals are accessible to anyone with an internet connection, making them an ideal option for those who cannot attend a traditional funeral in person. They eliminate the need for travel, especially for mourners who cannot travel due to illness, distance, or other reasons.


Virtual funerals can be cost-effective for families who are on a budget or cannot afford the high costs of traditional funerals. They eliminate the need for travel, reduce staffing costs, and require less time to prepare for the service.


Virtual funerals offer the convenience of attending a funeral from anywhere in the world. Mourners can participate in the service from the comfort of their homes or other locations, without making travel arrangements or taking time off work.

Recording and Replaying

Virtual funerals can be recorded and replayed, allowing mourners who couldn’t attend the live service to pay their respects at a later time. The service can be saved and shared with friends and family members who could not attend due to geographical or other reasons.

Green Option

Virtual funerals are an environmentally friendly option as they eliminate the need for travel, reduce the use of paper products, and limit the carbon footprint associated with traditional funerals.

Drawbacks of Virtual Funerals

Although virtual funerals have become increasingly popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, they also have some drawbacks that must be considered. In this section, we will discuss the drawbacks of virtual funerals in more detail.

Lack of Physical Presence

One of the main disadvantages of virtual funerals is the lack of physical presence and intimacy that comes with attending a traditional funeral. Mourners cannot comfort each other physically, and the feeling of closure may be lessened. The lack of physical presence may make it difficult for mourners to grieve and fully process their emotions.

Technical Issues

Virtual funerals depend on technology; technical issues such as poor audio or video quality can impact the experience. Technical issues may cause delays, interruptions, or disconnects, which can be frustrating for mourners who want to pay their respects and participate in the service.

Limited Interactivity

Virtual funerals may have limited interactivity compared to traditional funerals. Mourners may not be able to participate in the service in the same way as they would at a traditional funeral, such as signing the guestbook, sharing memories, or offering condolences to the family in person. This may impact the overall experience and emotional support for the bereaved.


While virtual funerals offer accessibility to mourners who cannot attend in person, they may not be accessible to everyone. Some people may need access to the technology required to attend the virtual service, such as reliable internet access, a computer or smartphone, or the technical skills to navigate the virtual platform. This may limit the number of mourners who can participate in the service.

Cultural and Religious Considerations

Virtual funerals may not be suitable for all cultural and religious traditions. Some traditions may require specific rituals or practices that cannot be replicated in a virtual setting. This may create challenges for families honouring their loved one’s cultural or religious traditions.

The Future of Virtual Funerals

The world of virtual funerals has changed significantly over the last five years and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. As technology advances and becomes more accessible, many families turn to virtual funerals to remember their loved ones in meaningful and impactful ways. 

What makes virtual funerals so powerful is their ability to bring people together worldwide and share memories in a way that wasn’t possible before. This new way of saying goodbye allows us to pay tribute while preserving social distancing protocols, such as gathering remotely or providing pre-recorded video speeches. 

At the same time, virtual funerals provide infinite possibilities for once-in-a-lifetime experiences that encompass music, slideshows, interactive displays, and more features to keep our deceased’s memory alive forever.

Final Thought

All in all, virtual funerals can provide much-needed solace and closure during a crisis. As such, it’s important to weigh both the benefits and drawbacks when considering this type of service. If you seek more information on virtual funerals or want assistance setting one up, contact a funeral company in your area. 

This way, you get the added benefit of professional guidance throughout the mourning process. With technology rapidly improving, chances are that future generations can say goodbye and celebrate their loved ones in new and unique ways.

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