
What You Need to Know Before Renting a Commercial Heater

If you’re looking to save money on your utility bill this winter, and especially if you own an office building or other commercial property, commercial heaters are an excellent option. When properly installed and maintained, they can save you time and money while keeping your building nice and warm! But before you acquire a commercial heater rental for your property, make sure you’re well-informed about what you need to know about the rental and if it’s suitable for you and your property.

1. Which Commercial Heater is Right for Me?

When heating a commercial space, you have three options: air-source heat pumps, hydronic systems, and electric resistance heaters. If you’re using the heater as a supplemental heat source, an air-source heat pump can be a great choice because they are much more efficient than traditional units. They’re also a good choice if your space is ample or if you’re looking to heat multiple buildings. However, they cost more upfront.

You might consider a hydronic system if you want to use something that can stand alone as the primary heat source for your commercial property. Hydronic systems are less expensive than air-source heat pumps and can be used in various applications, including retail stores, restaurants, and high-rise buildings. They also offer more flexibility than an air-source unit because you can decide what types of applications you want to use.

Although they are not as efficient as a hydronic system, electric resistance heaters are a great choice if your space is small and you’re trying to keep your costs down. They’re also a good option if you don’t have the electrical equipment or expertise to install the other two types of equipment designed for commercial properties.

2. What Are the Requirements?

If you own a commercial building, you must ensure you get the right unit for your property. The key is to find a unit that can heat up to the area of your building. You can do this by calculating how many square feet of space you have and finding the contractor that provides commercial heaters with an online calculator. If you don’t know how many square feet are in your building, ask an expert – they should be able to tell you.

If you have multiple buildings, it’s important to think about the outside temperatures. If you have a space that is in a colder climate, be sure to make sure it can maintain a constant temperature so that your employees can work comfortably.

3. What Are the Energy Requirements?

Commercial heaters use a lot of energy, so before you rent one, you want to ensure that they’re running efficiently and aren’t over your energy budget. There are two ways to ensure the proper efficiency of your commercial heater: get an energy audit and look at the ENERGY STAR rating on each commercial heating unit.

Requesting an energy audit is a simple way to determine if your heater is running efficiently. Once you know what type of heaters you have, you can make an appointment with a heating contractor that specializes in the kind of equipment you have. Make sure the contractor has experience working with commercial properties and that they’re willing to help because the process can be complicated. A good heating contractor will show you how much energy your system is actually using and let you know how much it would cost to install upgrades, such as insulation or air filters, that could help it run more efficiently.

If the energy audit indicates that a certain type of heater is not the best choice for your property, you may want to get a second opinion. If your heating contractor confirms that you should rent a commercial heater with an ENERGY STAR rating, they can tell you how much it would cost to upgrade it so that it meets the specifications of your space. And remember – you won’t be charged if repairs need to be made.

4. How Much Does It Cost?

Renting a commercial heater doesn’t have to break the bank. You can find good deals on heating contractors in most cities and on popular social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. As long as you do your research, ask for references and look at all of your options, you should be able to find a high-quality unit for a fair price!

5. What Are the Maintenance Requirements?

As with any type of heater or air conditioning system, the best way to avoid issues is through regular maintenance so that you can catch problems early on. Good maintenance can keep your commercial heater running smoothly and help it run more efficiently. Suppose you own an air-source heat pump or hydronic system. In that case, this is especially important because there are moving parts and other delicate equipment that can be damaged by neglectful maintenance. However, if you have an electric resistance heater, regular maintenance is less important.

If you aren’t sure about how to buy a commercial heater, but you want to save money, it’s best to be prepared. By researching different types of heaters, choosing the one that best suits your needs, and then hiring well-trained contractors, you should be able to find the right unit for your property. And with so many options, it shouldn’t be too hard.

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