
Technological Innovations That Take Workplace Safety To The Next Level

3 Ways Technology Is Improving Residential Communities

The technology’s potential has reached its peak, with more and more industries implementing it in the working environment.

From tools gathering and providing continuous information to wearable equipment, technological advancements keep impressing the business world. And although it is often believed that tech developments have only impacted areas like computer engineering, robotics, or web development, these innovations also play a significant role in occupational health and safety.

Workplace protection is imperative in any company, as employees want to labor in a protected and safe environment. And it is the legal obligation of the employer to ensure and promote a positive safety culture. Do not forget that healthy workers are productive and satisfied workers. So, how could you achieve this objective? Embracing what has become the buzzy-best phrase in technology – digital transformation. From safety monitoring and cloud computing to machine learning and artificial intelligence, technology has evolved so that it can prevent workplace hazards and keep employees safe from harm.

With that in mind, here are some technology trends in workplace safety that are going to go mainstream:

Wearable Technology

Individuals working in hazardous environments must be kept safe, and personal protective equipment (PPE) is one of the best solutions in this sense. In addition to safety eyewear and vests, workers can now wear physiological monitors that can track vital signs like body temperature, heart rate, respiration, and blood oxygen levels. This way, in the event an employee struggles with fatigue or high temperature, the device will notify a supervisor, who will halt the operations and protect the worker.

Some gadgets can also monitor environmental conditions like gas levels or extreme temperatures. It is an innovation that promises to save lives, as it warns employees before entering an area whether it is safe or not.

Voice Data Collectors

These devices have been here for quite a long time, but it does not mean they are no longer effective. Data collection will always be a requirement within an organization, so workers need to handle it properly. Fortunately, with hands-free devices, this job no longer seems a burden – workers can now gather information when performing routine checks without being forced to write everything down. Thus, the time spent ensuring every item on the safety checklist has been marked is significantly minimized, resulting in more productivity in other business areas.

Safety Management Software

Another vital piece of technology that helps collect data is safety management software. It also defines what information to gather, what to pay attention to, and how to analyze the collected information. EHS management software is developed with safety in mind, helping employers and workers perform inspections, conduct observations, and provide corrective actions if needed. Such software can detect issues and give businesses time to find solutions before the unexpected happens. Besides, it is simple to use, saving time and costs of completing such daunting tasks. Capptions software, for example, creates precise, personalized inspections, making it possible even for someone with little knowledge of workplace safety procedures to carry out responsibilities without missing anything critical.

3D Visualization

Industries can use 3D visualization technology to evaluate workplace surroundings and their risks or determine whether an area is safe to enter in or not. This technology is to be considered, especially in industries like mining where workers have to labor in secluded places, thus, being exposed to higher accident risks. With 3D visualization, companies can now electronically replicate workplace sites and analyze them to establish the safest practices to follow. These lifelike images combined with real-time data can significantly mitigate hazard or injury risks, so if your company operates in high-risk environments, it would be wise to have this technology in place.

Training Software

Believe it or not, improper usage of equipment or machinery is one of the main reasons workers get injured. That is why it is imperative to instruct your employees on adequately using PPE. However, companies often fail to provide accurate, comprehensive training, as the time and costs associated can exceed the limits imposed. Thus, one effective solution is to implement training software that would provide workers with the necessary information and, surprisingly, practice.

With VR gaining more and more ground, employers now have the chance to train their employees in a virtual environment safe from danger. Thus, laborers can learn and practice handling equipment correctly by immersing themselves in a digital environment that imitates the physical one.

IoT technology

Another cause of workplace injuries and incidents is faulty equipment. This problem is not to be overlooked, so what is to be done in this regard?

Several companies worldwide started to implement IoT (Internet of Things) technology to identify issues that might result in potential hazards. This implies a network of things (objects) implanted with sensors to connect and share information with other systems and devices over the Internet. It might sound complicated, but it is not. If you do some research beforehand and hire the right people to incorporate the technology into your systems, it can be a life savior.

Robots and Drones

Does it sound too Transformers-like? Well, it does, but it is more realistic than you think. Using drones and robots in the workplace has become popular, and it is no wonder why. Such devices can collect valuable data from hard-to-reach or high-risk places, reducing the exposure to workers. Due to their practical design, drones can assess hazardous sites, while robots from can perform jobs with a high risk of injury. With these technological developments, employees are now more protected than ever before, and employers happier since their laborers are kept safe from harm.

Autonomous Cleaning Solutions

We all know the significance of rigorous cleaning standards, but these are sometimes easier said than done. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, cleaning and disinfecting have become even more important, so employers have to take steps to ensure an impeccable working environment. Luckily, technology comes to their aid with autonomous tech tools such as app-controlled appliances and cleaning robots for surfaces. See? Robots can be of great help, so do not be afraid to consider this technology next time when thinking about cleaning solutions.

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