
5 Top Strategies to Secure Your Startup in 2021

Starting a new business is hard enough at any time, but when you factor in the global pandemic and the associated wave of cybercrime, it becomes even harder.

Young businesses today are at an unprecedented level of risk when it comes to cybersecurity. The worms and Trojans of old have been replaced with sophisticated threats that are delivered in unsuspected ways, and cybercrime is now an industry in its own right.

Plus, with pretty much everything handled online these days, there is no real option to opt-out of the digital environment. Instead, new businesses need to dot the Is and cross the Ts when it comes to securing their ventures. 

Here we go over several top tips to secure startups in 2021.

1. Ensure Remote Worker Security

Whether your company consists of a three-person team or a thirty-person team, there is a good chance that some workers conduct business from their homes. In many places, working from home is now the norm as opposed to the exception thanks to COVID-19 restrictions and governmental recommendations.

While working from home might help keep R numbers down, it can prove tricky from a security perspective because staff are working on unknown networks, and often, their own personal devices.

To secure remote workers’ activities, ensure your company has Virtual Private Network (VPN) protection. Each staff member can download a VPN app and use the company’s account. VPNs encrypt traffic and generate private browsing networks, so your staff’s activity is kept private and secure.

2. Limit The Use Of Personal Devices

One issue with ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) culture is that it opens the company up to security risks it is little able to mitigate. For example, a company cannot know what security issues a staff member’s phone or laptop has. Nor can it ensure that each staff member keeps their operating system and apps updated.

As much as possible, try to limit BYOD culture. In a brand new startup, this can be difficult, especially if you’re working with contractors and subcontractors instead of full-time staff members. But limiting the use of personal devices also limits the risks of a cybersecurity breach or incident. 

3. Create A Culture Of Cybersecurity

It’s often said that the best defense is a good offense, and that adage holds true when it comes to cybersecurity. Starting your company with a strong cybersecurity culture is one of the best ways to prevent incidents. Ensure that all staff members know that cybersecurity is everyone’s job, not just the IT people.

Additionally, run regular training sessions, and get professional help to check that your systems and processes are as secure as possible. 

4. Invest In Cybersecurity Tools

In addition to the VPNs mentioned above, your company should invest in a full suite of cybersecurity tools. Think antimalware, antivirus, email scanners, DNS protection, firewalls, and so on.

5. Prepare For The Worst

According to CNBC, the average cost of a cyber incident is $200,000, a financial burden that can easily put a new company out of business for good. Developing a strong cyber resilience strategy can help here; merge robust business practices with cybersecurity protocols and have a plan of attack for when an attack occurs. 

Savvy business owners in 2021 know that cyber incidents are now a matter of when not if. Being prepared for the worst and having a roadmap for recovery can make all the difference between receivership and regular sales.

Fledgling businesses are hard to manage at the best of times, let alone the worst of times. Don’t let poor cybersecurity be the factor that lets your business down. Follow the strategies above to secure your startup in 2021.

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