
New Tech And How It Is Changing Fitness

What is the point of new technology? It almost always is created to make life easier for people. This was true about the first stone tools ever created by humans and remains true today with smartwatches, the internet of things, and all manner of cool new technologies. 

One industry that has seen a huge shift in the last decade as a result of the latest innovations is the fitness sector. Technology is becoming smaller and more mobile, making fitness a more accessible and engaging activity for many who are seeking a healthier lifestyle. Tracking activities has become easier, diet practices have improved, and even equipment continues to evolve.

Here are some of the biggest changes in the fitness industry that have occurred as a result of the latest technology trends.

Exercising Is Becoming More Personalized

On the surface, this sounds confusing. Exercising is already personalized because you can choose what you want to do, right? Well, new technology is taking that idea and running with it. Take the Peloton stationary bikes for example. You can now design a custom workout to follow right on the machine itself, allowing you to find the perfect activity while also challenging yourself. Other exercise equipment now has virtual trainers, which can either be live sessions or recordings, that take you through a workout regimen on your machine at home. Meaning you don’t even have to leave the house to “participate” in an exercise class. Fitness is becoming more of a “make it yours” industry as innovations become available.

Easier To Track Your Progress

The birth of mobile technology changed all of our lives, and devices like Fitbit and smartwatches have done the same for our exercise routines. A big part of living an active lifestyle is looking back on the progress that we have made. Wearable devices that track your distance, speed, type of workout, pulse, calories burned, and other metrics make it extremely easy to see how your fitness has improved over time. You can set mileage or frequency goals and watch as your device guides you toward reaching those goals. Some devices even track your sleeping patterns so that you can improve your health in that area as well. They can also serve as health alert systems, contacting emergency services if something bad happens. The more mobile and compact these wearable technologies become, the more your fitness will benefit from the possibilities. 

Wellness and Fitness Apps

Accessibility is important when it comes to the newest innovations, and what is more accessible than apps on your phone or tablet? With so many options out there that allow you to create custom workout plans, make suggestions for activities like meditation, and can even track your diet, apps have changed the game for the fitness of many people. The convenience factor makes you feel more in control of what you are getting into and it lowers the barrier to entry for anyone with a phone. You no longer have to seek advice from a coach or trainer if you do not want to, you can access these resources in the palm of your hand. 

Home Equipment Makes Exercise Easy, Especially For Seniors

Getting out to the gym can often feel like a hassle. This is especially true for elderly individuals who want to exercise but may not have the ability to go to the gym regularly. Machine use at home has grown exponentially, especially in the last two years as people were forced to find alternatives. Equipment is becoming more user-friendly with virtual training programs. Smarter technology has led to some extremely versatile machines, with hundreds of possible exercises depending on the structure of the equipment. Flip a switch or adjust an arm here, and you can go from a leg-press to a lat pulldown in 30 seconds. This is especially helpful for seniors looking to maintain their physical health, keeping them independent and out of potentially problematic nursing homes. Advancements made in fitness equipment have made accessibility a priority, offering a huge variety of exercise options in your own home.

New Possibilities Will Open Up

Technological advancements are as inevitable as the sun rising and setting. As we learn more about the capabilities of machines, endless possibilities will continue to reveal themselves. The rise of virtual reality is already being used for exercise purposes, and the potential for its uses will grow exponentially in the coming years. The capabilities of mobile data will similarly proceed to change the fitness industry, with greater functionality and a higher level of convenience.

Living a healthier lifestyle is possible for anyone with the drive to do so, and these newer innovations make it accessible for everyone. What futuristic fitness tech will we see next? Only time will tell.

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