
How to Reduce Sick Days in the Office For Your Employees this Winter

The impact of sick days on a business goes beyond the temporary absences in the office. It can trigger a series of problems, including project delays, increased overtime costs, and possibly even additional medical expenses. And, while these are the more obvious direct consequences of sick days, there are also indirect ones to consider such as its effect on employee morale.

This is why workplace health and wellness programs offer a true return on your investment.  Here, we’ve put together this guide discussing the real costs of absenteeism due to illnesses and why it’s worth it to invest in your employees’ health this winter.

The Costs of Absenteeism & Effects on Employee Morale

Absenteeism has significant financial ramifications. In the United States, companies incur an average of $3,600 per year for every hourly worker and $2,650 for each salaried employee due to absenteeism. This cost encompasses more than just paid sick leave. It also includes reduced productivity expenses, overtime payments for other staff members, and potential medical fees.

However, it is not only a monetary issue.  Frequent absences from sickness not only affect the absent employee but also cause an increase in workload for their colleagues, as well as frustration among managers and supervisors. This may result in missed deadlines which have consequences on both the quality of work produced and potential conflicts within the company’s workforce. To improve productivity and boost job satisfaction amongst employees, it is essential to implement strategies that aim at reducing instances of sickness absence.

Fostering a Healthy Work Environment

A great way to think about fostering a healthy work environment is treating cleanliness and hygiene in the winter just as important as our office ergonomics. Just as providing a workspace that meets ergonomics standards helps to prevent downtime due to injuries, good hygiene and other programs to prevent winter illnesses will prevent absenteeism due to colds and flus.

Cleanliness and Hygiene

Ensuring cleanliness and hygiene is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy workplace. Apart from surface cleaning, promoting desk etiquette among employees, encouraging regular desk cleaning habits, and implementing an extensive office-cleaning schedule are important elements in keeping an office free of surface microbes and viruses that can cause illnesses.

Within an office setting, areas such as bathrooms, elevator buttons, shared equipment or door handles pose an extra high risk for germ transmission that can lead to employee sickness. Special attention should be paid to these parts of the office in winter when colds run rampant.

Workplace Flu Vaccinations

Employers can also effectively reduce the number of sick days taken by offering workplace flu vaccinations. This strategy protects employees and their families from getting sick, ultimately leading to fewer absences. Although there are costs involved with setting up a flu vaccination program at work, these expenses are often outweighed by the benefits. To protect employees from illness, this initiative can increase productivity and boost employee morale within the company.

Promoting Physical Health and Wellness

Another effective method to decrease sick days is promoting general physical health and wellness among workers.  Some of the key strategies include:

Encouraging Exercise and Movement

Physical activity and regular exercise can greatly impact the well-being of employees. By incorporating movement into their workday, employers can improve employee health and decrease the chances of sickness, resulting in fewer absences from work.

There are various ways that companies can encourage physical activity among their workers, such as implementing standing desks or holding walking meetings. Initiatives like providing access to on-site fitness facilities, organizing yoga classes, and step challenges have proven effective in promoting consistent physical activity amongst staff members. These strategies not only benefit individual employee health but also contribute to a healthier workplace overall.

Offering Nutritious Food Options

Including healthy food options in the workplace can have a positive impact on employee health. By offering nutritious choices, companies can encourage their employees to adopt healthier eating habits and ultimately improve overall wellness.

Having access to nourishing foods at work may also lead to fewer sick days taken by employees. With essential nutrients readily available, businesses can boost immunity among their workforce and decrease instances of sickness that would otherwise result in missed work days.

Addressing Mental Health and Stress

Addressing mental health and stress in the workplace is crucial for decreasing sick days.  For example, you should support:

Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for both the mental and physical well-being of employees. Companies can play a significant role in preventing burnout, reducing stress levels, and decreasing sick days by promoting an optimal work-life balance.

One effective way for employers to support their staff in achieving a good work-life balance is by encouraging asynchronous work practices, minimizing meeting requirements, and respecting designated working hours. These efforts not only help employees effectively manage their workload but also alleviate stress levels which ultimately leads to fewer sick days taken.

Employee Mental Health

Incorporating mental health resources, including policies for taking mental health days, can effectively decrease the number of sick days. For instance, employee assistance programs have been proven to alleviate stress and psychological distress among workers, leading to improved symptoms of mental illness and overall better work performance.

Aside from implementing employee assistance programs, companies may also offer other forms of support such as counseling services and educational programs on managing mental health. These valuable resources aid employees in reducing their levels of stress and promoting optimal well-being, which ultimately results in fewer instances of sickness-related absences.

Keeping Your Workplace Healthy All Year Around 

Decreasing the number of sick days in the workplace is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive approach. It is crucial for businesses to understand the implications of sick days, promote a healthy working environment, prioritize physical health and wellness initiatives, and address mental health concerns and stressors. By taking these steps, companies can effectively decrease sick leave among employees and cultivate a healthier and more productive workforce.

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