
Getting Ready For Your First Psychiatric Office Visit


A lot of people would like to see a psychiatrist but keep putting the exercise off because they are intimidated by the prospect of an encounter with a psychiatrist Louisville ky. Most of these patients are nervous leading up to the initial appointment. 

Let me commend you for taking that significant first step to arrange an appointment with a top Louisville psychiatrist. It may look simple but it takes a lot of courage to do so. It can also be stressful when you think of attending a maiden psychiatric appointment. One thing you can do to lessen the stress and worry is by being aware of what to expect in advance. 

For example, you need to know what to come with, including your psychiatric and medical history, and to also be aware that the first encounter with a psychiatrist may evoke some strong emotions, and that it’s completely OK. 

Therefore, if you have set up your first meeting with a psychiatrist, continue reading to learn what awaits you. We will also share with you some proven tips to relax and feel less pressured. 

Come with Your Medical History

As is the standard procedure, your Louisville psychiatrist will ask to see your psychiatric and medical history. That’s why when you come to the mental health facility, you need to be prepared with the following: 

A comprehensive list of medications, apart from psychiatric drugs

You should also bring a list of all psychiatric medications that you used in the past and for how long you took them.

Bring also a family history of mental health problems, if any.

Additionally, if you visited a psychiatrist Louisville KY in the past, you should come with copies of those records. Alternatively, you can request for the previous mental health provider to send those records to the current psychiatrist that you are seeing. 

Expect Your Psychiatrist to Ask Questions

Once the session starts, you should be ready to answer the questions from your psychiatrist. They often ask various types of questions, which may include, but are not limited to, the following:

“Why have you come to see a psychiatrist Louisville ky?”

“How may I be of help to you?”

“Tell me why you are here?”

You might feel a tinge of nervousness when the doctor asks you an open-ended question. But you should not worry as there is no wrong answer. Also, a top-notch psychiatric expert will guide you throughout the interview. 

The advantage of coming prepared is that it enables you to clearly say what you have been going through. You will even have the courage to tell the psychiatrist what you hope to achieve from the treatment. 

There is no Shame in Experiencing Different Emotions

It is not uncommon for patients to feel a whirlwind of emotions when discussing their concerns with their psychiatrists. You may feel awkward, cry, or experience other kinds of emotions. This is completely fine. There is nothing to be embarrassed about it. 

It takes immense courage and strength to candidly talk about your story with someone you barely know. This can feel exhausting emotionally, especially if you bottled up your emotions for a long time. Most psychiatric offices have lots of tissues, and you should never be shy to use them. 

Create a Plan for the Future

Because most psychiatrists also provide medication management, they will discuss treatment options at the tail end of your appointment. Your treatment plan may be made up of the following: 

Medication options

Referrals for psychotherapy

Level of care required, for instance, if you will need more intensive care to sufficiently address your symptoms. You will also discuss with your Louisville psychiatrist about options of finding appropriate treatment plans.

Any recommended procedures or labs. These may include baseline tests before the commencement of medications or tests ruling out any medical conditions that could be contributing to your symptoms. 

If you need anything about your treatment or diagnosis cleared up, or you wish to talk about any concerns you might have, this is the time to about them with your doctor before the session ends. 

You Might Not Get the Right Psychiatrist at the First Attempt

Your psychiatrist might be the one in charge of the session, but you need to treat this first encounter as an opportunity to see if they are the perfect fit for you or not. Remember that your chances of complete treatment are determined by the level of the therapeutic relationship that you have. 

This means that, if there is no improvement in the connection between you and your Louisville psychiatrist, or that your issues aren’t being sufficiently addressed, you can quit and look for another mental health expert. 

After Your First Visit

After the first, ideas will come to your mind that you wish you asked. Write these things down, and ensure to talk with your psychiatrist about them the next time. 

It could be that the first meeting left you feeling bad about yourself. You just need to remember that it may take a couple more visits to build a better therapeutic relationship with your mental health practitioner. Therefore, always give your next few appointments time and see how things work out unless your first visit turned out unredeemable and horrible. 


It’s common to feel a little anxious about visiting a psychiatrist. However, never allow those fears to get the better of you. Visiting a psychiatrist enables you to get the treatment that you need and deserve.  Understanding the general questions that your psychiatrist will ask, as well as topics they are likely to discuss, is a surefire way of alleviating the worries and concerns about seeking help. It also makes you more relaxed when you visit your psychiatrist for the first time. 

Remember also that, the psychiatrist you choose for the first time can turn out not to be the best person for the job. Your quest for a psychiatrist Louisville KY should, therefore, not end at your first visit to their office. Because the psychiatrist you choose determines the care and treatment you will receive, you must ensure that the person you get is one you are at ease with. The guy should be more than willing to respond to your questions, as well as collaborate with you to the end to ensure that you achieve the goals of the treatment. 

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