
Personalization in Marketing: How to Engage Your Social Media Audience in a Food Channel

New accounts and channels regularly appear on Instagram and YouTube, where people share useful (and not so useful) food tips. But not every such project becomes popular. Let’s find out why this happens and how to start making decent money from a food blog.

How to choose the right niche and target audience

Food blogging is a fairly specific topic, and to work with it you need to be an expert in this area. A good example is the author’s blogs of Ukrainian chefs and winners of delicious shows, who position themselves as experts in preparing first and second courses, pastries, desserts, confitures and sweets. They just found their niche and the audience they are interested in, and today individual bloggers have at least 160 thousand subscribers.

To repeat similar success, first of all, you need to determine your niche and specialization as accurately as possible. Popular destinations today:

The main platform for attracting audiences today is YouTube, as people have quickly become accustomed to receiving information in video format. Moreover, for filming at the start you do not need to rent an expensive studio; you can start from your own kitchen, which should be prepared in advance.

How to prepare a location for filming a food blog

People like an attractive picture, which means the main task of a food blogger is to provide a beautiful shot. To do this you will need:

The best solution for organizing the kitchen work surface is a countertop made of natural stone. This material looks amazing on camera, does not lose its gloss with daily use, and can be an excellent backdrop for filming both the cooking process and finished dishes.

How to work correctly with your target audience

When everything is prepared for filming, the main questions remain – the idea and its implementation. And while most novice food bloggers have no problems with ideas, almost everyone has problems with quality implementation. What to do in this case? Of course, seek help from professionals. Click for info on promoting a youtube blog.

So, to summarize: to become a great food blogger, you need to decide on the right content, prepare the right location and organize the launch of your blog with the help of professional mentors. Well, then you’ll just start making good money doing something that’s interesting to you. Go for it!