
How To Get Greater Engagement On Your Social Media Posts.

Are you tired of posting on your social media and getting very little in the way of engagement from your followers? Do you feel like you are completely wasting your time? If so, give this article a read and we’ll share some advice on how to get greater engagement – and ultimately grow your following.

1. Know your audience

It might sound daft, but who are you trying to engage with? Do you know your target audience inside and out? First, conduct thorough consumer research, paint a picture of who they are and what makes them tick, and then build your content to resonate with them.

2. Be authentic…genuinely

Marketers and content creators throw around the word “authentic” so much that it’s almost lost all meaning. Like when you repeat a word out loud too many times and it starts to sound unnatural!

But, like it or not, authenticity is the key to getting greater engagement on your social media posts. And that means, finding your unique voice and being consistent with your messaging. How can you differentiate yourself from the others?

Also, don’t neglect EEAT (Experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) if you want your audience to feel comfortable engaging with your brand.

3. Respond to your followers regularly

There comes a point where responding to every single comment on a social media post would be practically impossible. However, in the early stages of your growth, it’s worth engaging with as many of your followers as you can. If they are taking the time to show their support, thank them and let them know that their engagement is much appreciated.

When people feel like their opinions matter, they’ll be far more likely to show up and take part.

4. Make the content…engaging!

If you want to elicit some form of engagement, then you need to create content that genuinely encourages it. You’d be surprised by how many people share one-sided content and then wonder why no one is getting involved.

Ask questions, spark debate, share funny titbits, and create posts that will ultimately be fun for your audience to interact with.

5. Be consistent

Another underrated factor when posting on social profiles for engagement is consistency. Stick to a regular posting schedule and show up on your followers’ news feeds at set times. If you commit to this and continue sharing quality content, people will come to expect your posts and eagerly keep an eye out for them.

6. Use hashtags with the intention

Don’t add any old hashtag to each post for the sake of it. Use them strategically and with intention. If you want to engage with a particular audience or be a part of a discussion, certain hashtags can make it far easier for people to find your content. Not only that, but it can open you up to a wider audience and ultimately grow your following. 

7. Hire the professionals

Without a social media marketing strategy in place, you’ll be wasting your time by posting on social media. If you genuinely want engagement and to leverage social media to start driving more traffic through to your website and effectively monetizing your audience, then consider investing in a professional social media marketing agency in Dubai.


Let’s have a quick recap:

Again, posting without research and having a clear intention is a waste of time. You must remember that the average internet user is exposed to thousands of ads every single day and countless brands and businesses are fighting for their attention. If you truly want to cut through the noise and get more engagement, you need to develop a purposeful strategy and post content worth talking about! 

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