
4 Simple Ways to Improve Your Performance as a Gamer

While video games were made for people to have fun, most of them are competitive, and having fun when you’re constantly losing is pretty much impossible. But that doesn’t mean that you have to stay a noob forever. 

Maybe you need to readjust your level of competition, consider other games, or make some upgrades to your setup. All of these things could allow you to fill the gap and get a few more wins. There are also tons of other things that you can do, and some might be simpler than you imagine. Here are some simple ways that anyone can improve their performance as a gamer.

Get a Better Connection

Having a lightning-fast connection is extremely important if you like to play FPSs or MOBA games. The best players at these games always have great connections, and you must have a great one too if you want to match their reaction speeds.

You need to find a provider that can give you speeds of around 20 Mbps at the very least, which is something you’ll only find through fiber internet. We’re aware that fiber is not available everywhere in the country yet, but don’t assume that you won’t be able to find a fiber internet provider just because you live in a small city like Winfield. If this is where you happen to live and you’re looking for a good provider, check out Winfield MO internet providers like Gateway Fiber.

Get Better Gear

Another thing you should do is look at whether your current setup is up to par. You may assume that everything is okay, but there are cases where people overspend in certain areas and neglect others, thinking that some components will not make that much of a difference.

One of these examples is SSD storage. People usually spend more time looking for lightning-fast RAM or a powerful graphics card, but the speed and the type of SSD you use can make a huge difference, especially if you like to play open-world games. This is because the game has to fetch information from the drive to render scenery, and the faster your SSD is, the smoother the animations will be. Just one split second of lag or a missed frame can be enough for you to get killed, so see how good your SSD is right now and see if you could make an upgrade.

Invest in a Mechanical Keyboard

If you’re still using a regular keyboard, you should check out mechanical options. Mechanical keyboards are much more accurate, have more customization features, and have much faster response rates compared to membrane keyboards. They’re also easier to use at night.

Look for Boot Camps in Your Area

Now could also be a good time to start looking at book camps and gaming clubs in your area. This is something that should be easy to find if you’re in a big city. If you aren’t, look for online boot camps and look at camps in surrounding bigger cities.

All of these tips should help you improve your gaming performance and experience. Know that nothing beats practice, however, so establish a solid routine and try finding people at your level you can play against for hours.

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