
How Does Road Wrap Protect Your Car?

Many RV travelers like to tow their cars for more convenient transportation when they get to where they’re going. Long-distance travel convinces many owners to protect their vehicles with a car cover, but when you learn how to take care of your car cover, you may opt for a more straightforward method, like road wrap paint protection. Road wrap is a one-time use product that protects your vehicle for about seven days, at which point you peel it off and throw it away. There are at least four ways that road wrap can protect your car during your next long haul.

Protects Against Bug Acid

One of the common road trip experiences is bugs on the windshield, and while many people just consider the splattered little insects a nuisance, they can actually be quite damaging. The acid inside of bugs can damage and stain your vehicle’s paint. While it seems unlikely, the more bug juice that ends up on your car, the more likely you are to experience significant and costly cosmetic damage. Thankfully, road wrap prevents such damage by creating a thin, flexible layer of protection between the automotive body and the insect innards.

Prevents Nicks and Dings

When driving down the highway, you are sure to fling rocks and debris onto your tow vehicle. While car covers help to prevent any damage from these items, you need to ask yourself, “do car covers damage car paint?” Yes. A car cover can scratch paint, depending on the material and paints used. Also, the movement of the cover while driving can lead to minor scratches. Road wrap, however, does not move once applied, meaning that it provides superior protection against nicks and dings without the risk of scratching your pristine paint job.

Limits Grime and Dirt

One of the primary benefits of road wrap over other materials is the non-porous surface. It is not uncommon for road trips to lead to a buildup of dirt and grime from the road and inclement weather. Again, because road wrap sticks to the surface of the vehicle, creating a boundary between the environment and the body of the car, nothing penetrates to the car surface, meaning your vehicle stays clean and shiny. Even a car cover cannot guarantee freedom of all dirt and grime.

Versatile Material

Road wrap also protects your vehicle because it is a versatile and flexible material. While other covers may not conform to your car’s body, road wrap fits into all the nooks and crannies. It applies similarly to a tape or sticker, only it is thicker and more durable, but no matter the make or model of your vehicle, the wrap will contour to its shape and size. View materials provide such versatility and flexibility at such an economical price point.

On your next road trip, if you are planning on towing an extra car, consider applying road wrap to protect the paint job and body. If you would like to discuss more benefits of road wrap, contact a local supplier and find out how else you can use this product.