
How Can Outsourcing Help You Grow Your Digital Business?

Around 300,000 positions are outsourced every year in the U.S., with the vast majority of businesses choosing this option as a means of reducing costs. A Deloitte survey showed that some 78% of businesses who had outsourced tasks were pleased with their decision and the U.S. is the biggest contractor in the world, occupying 84.2% of the market. If you have a digital business, outsourcing can somehow seem an organic part of business success. If you are finding it challenging to keep up with demand or you require services from specialised teams, outsourcing may be the tool that will help you achieve your goals in a quicker, more affordable manner.

Relying on Others’ Expertise

Whether you are an online entertainment provider, an ecommerce company, or an IT services business, chances are, your digital marketing needs will have expanded considerably within  the first year of your launch. Unless you are an experienced marketer, then you can definitely benefit from the expertise of professionals such as website designers, social media managers, SEO specialists, content creators, and the like. Search engines currently drive 93% of all web traffic, 18% of all local searches lead to a sale within the same day, and well written content can improve traffic to your blog by a whopping 2,00%. Of course, digital marketing is just one specialty that your business may need to survive in a competitive market.

Making the Most of Your Own Talent

One of the signs that outsourcing may be useful is when talented members of your team are having to spend a number of hours a day on areas that are not their expertise. For instance, if your business is a marketing firm and your best marketers are bogged down filling spreadsheets or attending to calls, it is a clear sign that you can benefit from specialist administrators or virtual assistants. Enabling your team to dedicate their time to work they have been trained for and have amassed experience in will enable them to achieve goals that affect the bottom line more directly.

Embracing Robotic Process Automation

Most managers are turning to robotic process automation (RPA) to reduce the number of tedious or repetitive tasks and to enable workers to focus on higher quality work. Relying on external RPA specialists can teach you how to reduce the rate of human error and make significant savings on staffing. As reported by Deloitte LP, some banks are using RPA to deploy close to 100 bots that run over a dozen processes and handle close to 1.5 million claims per year. The bank was able to achieve these results by spending only 30% of the cost of hiring 200 full-time employees. Businesswire, meanwhile, reports that many post-pandemic challenges will be dealt with via RPA and 75% of companies are already using this technology to support the ever-growing remote workforce.

The ultimate sign that you can benefit from outsourcing is having staff that are dedicating more time to menial tasks (or those which are irrelevant or far removed from their skills and expertise). From marketing to automation, answering calls to performing administrative tasks, there are many jobs that can successfully be performed by remote external teams. Outsourcing will not only save your company significant costs, but also enable you and the rest of your staff to keep your eye on your goals and set higher ones that involve the exercise of your expert knowledge.

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