
How a Family1st GPS Tracker can save lives ?

The GPS Tracker was first confined to military use alone. In recent times the importance of this device has been recognized for domestic use as well. There have been several instances in which the GPS tracker alone managed to save lives or an unfortunate mishap from taking place. The GPS tracker is extremely useful to find a missing person or thing.  
After a comprehensive study on GPS trackers and their uses, Family 1st designed a GPS tracker customized to save lives of both, the young and the elderly, irrespective of their need for a tracker. 

Here’s how you could use a family1st GPS tracker to save lives.

Family 1st GPS Tracker for Kids 

The main function of a GPS tracker is to track down the person or thing it has been attached to. In the case of children, kidnapping and issues around getting lost, can easily be solved with the help of a Family1st GPS tracker.
Kids who suffer from autism and other similar conditions can be benefited by a GPS tracker too. Parents can be assured of their children’s safety when they are at school or out playing in the open.  
In some cases, schools have their own restrictions on monitoring kids. School rules can be very tough on parent of physically challenged kids or autistic kids. A GPS tracker can easily be used to track and monitor kids in such cases. 

Family 1st GPS Tracker for the Elderly 

Technology has advanced over the years and so has a family 1st GPS tracker (put link to medical device for elderly blog here). You can now monitor your elderly beloved with a GPS tracker when you are away from them. The features of a family 1st GPS tracker are so advanced that it can even detect a fall and send out an intimation for help if the person is unable to speak or move. In the case of an Alzheimer’s patients, a family 1st GPS tracker will easily track their whereabouts and thereby track their exact location. The GPS tracker is also designed to remind you of time to time medication so you do not miss a dose of your medicines due to forgetfulness.

In today’s day and age, it is not uncommon for kids to move to another city/country for further education or job purpose. Leaving an aging parent behind, unattended, can tend to weigh you down. The safety and wellbeing of parents is often equally important and a top priority for young adults. The solution to this dilemma is simple GPS trackers that can keep you connected to your loved ones and ensure their safety while you are away.  

Family 1st GPS Tracker during Natural Disasters 

A professor from Florida International University was of the opinion that a GPS tracker could save 90 Percent of potential victims in case of a hurricane. There is a modern technology without which predicting the movement of a hurricane would be close to impossible. This technology uses dropsondes to measure winds around the hurricane. These dropsondes are tracked with the help of a GPS tracker. Earthquakes are another natural disaster whose damage can be subdued with a GPS tracker. People trapped below debris, wearing a GPS tracker can be traced and saved at a faster pace than those without a tracker. The earlier a victim gets medical attention is directly proportion to his/her survival rate. 

Family 1st GPS Tracker for Criminals  

A GPS tracker is the best way to safeguard your valuables and also the best way to keep your mind away from unnecessary worry. There have been plenty of instances where a robber has been caught soon after the robbery as the valuable he had stolen had a tracker on it. A GPS tracker makes it very simple for cops to track down a criminal. This has been true in case of cars and bikes as well. There’s hardly anything a GPS tracker cannot track thus eliminating the fear of theft altogether. 

Family 1st GPS Tracker for Women 

A study in the US concluded that about 50 percent of women are murdered by either their husband or boyfriend in the country. The study also proved that a GPS tracker saved women’s lives as they could be easily tracked and rescued. Women who were a GPS bracelet were less attacked than women who did not. It also gave them a chance to communicate when they felt threatened. On the contrary, the abuser or murderer avoided the heinous act with the fear to getting caught. A GPS tracker therefore saved lives by reducing crime on the whole. 

GPS Tracker Helped Sustaining Pregnancy 

The GPS technology can be used in multiple ways. In the rural areas of Kenya it was seen that a lot of women had miscarriages due to lack of proper medical help and advice during their pregnancy tenure. A mere GPS bracelet enabled pregnant woman to reach out to the hospital and have a word with doctors in case of pregnancy complications. They also received all the advice required during a pregnancy to keep healthy. This use of technology indeed saved many infant lives. 
A GPS tracker is thus a proven device to saves lives. It helps with tracking, reaching out, emergency calls, staying connected and a lot more.  

If you are looking for the best way to safeguard your loved ones, put a GPS tracker on them right away. You could find your best GPS buy at

For additional assistance on GPS trackers please visit us at