
Benefits of Explainer Videos for Your Startup

Benefits of Explainer Videos for Your Startup

Explainer video for startups is the perfect opportunity to introduce future customers to the brand. To create an inexpensive, working product, just use the explainer video maker. The main thing is to have an original idea and work on its implementation. Explainer videos for startups can also function as direct selling. Its purpose directly depends on the goals of the business.

Conventionally, we can distinguish 2 groups of explainer video for a startup:

  1. Animated 2D, 3D videos;
  2. Videos.

Let’s dig deeper and find out that there are animation videos: presentation, screencast, advertising, and design (broadcast). Among the videos are presentations, corporate films, and video ads. So, now you know what types of videos are. It remains to find out which one is best for you.

Animation and Motion Design as an explainer video for startups

Let’s say you have a product and you want to present it. If you entered a wide, competitive market, and your goal is to tell about yourself to as many consumers as possible, and not to hook a couple of large suppliers, then feel free to order an animated presentation video. It consists of visual images, text, and sounds that will provide easy perception and memorization of information. More information on this topic can be found at It is not easy to get attention, and it is even more difficult to keep it. Therefore, in this case, an animated presentation video is a great solution.

People choose an understandable product. There is no better tool than an animated screencast to explain how to use an Internet resource, software, or device. A person perceives visualized, voiced step-by-step instructions better. With a high probability, a consumer will become a regular customer if he decides that your product is understandable and convenient for him.

You have an interesting idea, a fictional character, and a story, but no means to get Peter Jackson and his crew on the set. Think about it, maybe the best solution is to make it animated. Graphic commercials (15-40 sec) are based on a specific plot. Here you can give freedom of imagination and realize the most daring ideas. There are categories of people who are more receptive to animated images. For example, children who see the video will ask their dad to buy them your toy. If you need a graphic design for the broadcast, you need to apply for a broadcast design. This will help you emphasize the information and help you achieve the desired perception.

Videos for Startup

If you want to talk about a complex technological process, demonstrate productive capacities, show how business processes are arranged, in general, in a situation where you have something to brag about and you do not want to miss anything, a corporate film is perfect. A corporate film can be shown at exhibitions, presentations, at events where people are interested in receiving information and are ready to spend about 5-7 minutes watching the video.

If your potential customers are not directly interested in your product and save their time, then the best option is a presentation video. This is a kind of digest lasting 1-2 minutes, including all the best about your company.

You want to stand out against the background of competitors, demonstrate the human side of the brand, convey the values ​​of the company, then you need an image advertising video. In a situation where you do not have significant technical advantages over competitors, it remains to influence the emotional perception.

Final Words

When you want to show a product with your face, highlighting all its advantages, video advertising is a good solution. But remember: people are not interested in brands by themselves. You compete for their attention with all the mass media, so you need to be creative in the process of creating an advertisement, to lay an interesting, useful idea. Both video and animation are powerful tools with their own strengths.

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