
Features to Include When Developing a Chat App

Developing chat has become a multidimensional task since users want to get a top-notch level of satisfaction. It is not just sharing of data, it involves location finding, privacy enhancement, and other complicated features that need to be available for the app to be reliable and trustworthy. You can read more about top-rated apps at and how to build the most satisfying app at all times. below are some key features that developers must include for the app to look professional and outstanding at all times.

A Simple User Login

When was the last time that you had to put your login details on WhatsApp or Messenger?  when these apps were starting, people always login every time they wanted a session with the app. If you are developing an app, make sure the login process is simple and easy so that you don’t waste the user’s time. Having the best login process saves time and people can even reply to emergency texts quickly. The ‘remember password’ feature should be available to ensure people choose to either stay logged in or can log out and log in later when they need to use the app.

Include Chat Bots

Have you ever visited a website and before you could do anything, a chat pops up asking how you would like to be helped? Such attention-seeking popups initiate conversations and they are made from chat Bots. Chatbots use the artificial intelligence system to ensure they read and understand the language of the end recipient. PayPal and other top-rated apps use that kind of technology to respond to clients’ demands online especially when the question from the client has an automated answer. Chatbots improve engagements with clients even when you are away from the website.


Data loss and theft have become common nowadays. People can intrude chats of people and steal so the privacy of clients on your chat app could end up compromised. To prevent such misfortunes, user-to-user encryption is necessary to ensure every client uses the app without any fear of the messages being read by third parties. This is the best way to ensure data is not lost. Some people use the apps to share financial information and if such data is not encrypted, it could land in the hands of the wrong people and all money could end up getting stolen from the accounts.

The capability of Cloud Synchronization

When it comes to cloud synchronization, all data whether it is a document, videos, messages, or any type of file, are all stored online. No matter the device that a user will use, the information remains the same and all edits that are made are reflected in every device. Cloud synchronization prevents data loss and also ensures people’s data is accessible wherever they are as long as they log in to their account. With such a feature, the person will not lose any data and will be confident to keep his or her private information on any device.

Geo Location

Apps are equipped with GPS and artificial intelligence. Take for example like the messenger app, you can now view people’s location and know where the person is chatting from. Geolocation is just a way of connecting nearby people so that talk to people who you can easily access. Geolocation is a feature that every app developer must consider incorporating to ensure users have the best experience. Apps with such a feature showcase the people that are near you so that you choose who to chat with.

Stay Live and Stay Connected

Nowadays people don’t just text others without seeing their online status. If you are online, you will see your friends texting you from nowhere because they know are online. App developers must add that feature for people to see the online status of their friends. Others want to hide their status; it is also good to include that option. WhatsApp for example shows last seen, online when your messages were read and the user can also hide his or her presence online. Without such features, your app could end up not having fans at all.


The bottom line is that app development requires high-end creativity to ensure everything is put to exemplary standards. Take your time and make sure you include the best features and test those features to see if they are competent enough before you launch the app. Apps must be well-engineered for compatibility with smartphones and other devices. Above all, data security is important because in chat apps, a lot of information is shared and you never know who could breach the app security structures and compromise user’s data. As a developer, have a development plan to ensure you develop the app from the start to the end and test all aspects to ensure they are fine before launching.

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