
Are the Audiences for Apps Different on Android vs. iOS?

It is no secret that Samsung and Apple have different features. Although their devices are similar in many ways, they also differ in a few areas. Here we take a look at whether or not the user base of Android is different from that of iOS, and what those differences might be.

Developing an App?

If you are preparing for app development, knowing the difference between Apple and Android is among the things to consider. As you work to plan your app design and features, it is important to recognize that the app users do differ on some levels. This difference in user base could impact the design decisions you make about your app, so it is best to know a bit about the differences between the two platforms before you begin development.

However, there are also other things to think about before you go ahead and begin designing. For instance, you will need to do target market research in general. It will also be helpful to invest time into a marketing strategy. offers help in getting reach for your product. You can find out which features you can use for your app, and which ones are legal to use in your location as long as you adhere to rules and regulations. They have a chatbot available that will answer your further questions.

Some of the differences between Apple and Samsung users that you will want to consider are below.

Spending Habits

Although Android has more apps on the market, iOS users actually spend more. The one area that Android users dominate when it comes to their spending habits is digital utility apps. However, in general, iOS users spend more on mobile apps than their Android counterparts. Their spending is especially more significant in shopping apps.

Brand Loyalty

Typically, Apple users are more loyal to their brand than Android users are. When they buy a new device, they tend to stay with Apple. That is possibly due to Apple’s strong consumer branding. Apple users simply become hardcore fans.

App Usage

Apple users seem to spend more time using their mobile devices, which means that they use their apps more. If you are developing a mobile app, targeting Apple could bring higher engagement rates. Even though it may seem that Android users have a larger market share due to their sheer numbers, they appear to use their apps less frequently.

Push Notifications

Despite Android audiences using their apps less often, they are in fact more likely to open push notifications than those who use iOS. That is probably due to the design of notifications on each system. This can have an impact on your overall marketing strategy, particularly if you are promoting special offers.


Although this is not always the case, iPhone users tend to have a higher income. After all, Apple devices are more expensive. Therefore, app developers that are targeting audiences with higher incomes can take this into consideration.


As you can see above, there are a few major differences between Android and iOS users. These differences can impact your strategy. However, there are a lot of things that these users have in common as well. If you are developing an app, it all depends on the type of app you are developing and the users you are trying to reach.

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