
5 Ways in Which AI will Transform Digital Marketing

Has it ever happened that you searched for something on Amazon and then saw recommendations of that or products similar to that for a few days after?

Or just searched for a song on Spotify and had an entire list of similar songs curated for you?

If yes, welcome to the future of digital marketing, a world with AI.

Which begs the question, what is AI exactly?

Well, to quote Wikipedia here, the term “Artificial Intelligence” is used to describe machines and computers that mimic “cognitive” functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as learning and problem-solving.

AI has the potential to transform Digital marketing as it has the potential to deliver a more personalized customer experience along with greater efficiency on part of the employees. AI can process a sea of data a lot faster than a team of marketing professionals ever can.

5 ways in which AI will change the Digital Marketing

E-mail marketing campaigns; more often than not seem to be a shot in the dark. Companies can never really tell with surety when to send an Email to a potential customer or what to write in the subject line in order to generate the maximum number of leads.

Well, all that and more is going to change with AI in the picture.

AI will help brands to customize their campaigns based on customer behavior which will ultimately result in more lead generation. Everything from subject lines to the email body content will be personalized in order to ensure that the campaign triggers action at the end of the customer.

Predictive Analytics includes data mining, statistical analysis, and data modeling in order to make future predictions.

The onset of Big data and AI have opened doors to not only coming up with accurate customer insights but also higher ROI on marketing campaigns.

AI will help companies make personalized product recommendations to existing customers and help push a passive lead down the sales funnel to become a buyer.

AI-powered virtual assistants are a thing of the present, but their role will only amplify going forward. These virtual assistants are bound to have a significant impact on search trends. About a billion voice searches are made every day on Google.

Conversational keywords are bound to take a front seat when it comes to search engine algorithms as people are getting busier by the say and want a quick answer.

AI allows companies to better understand the behaviors and preferences of their target customer segment. This, in turn, will result in curating content that will generate desired results for the companies.

Moreover, AI platforms that can even write pieces of content are now in place and are only getting better at emulating human-like writing.

AI-driven insights being used for content generation can result in an increase in customer engagement rates and higher overall efficiency.

AI will be used to provide unparalleled customer experience and ensure greater customer engagement using a conversational platform, in the near future.

AI chatbots have a significant advantage over the ones that are managed manually. For instance, AI chatbots can cater to many customers at a given time rather than a one-to-one approach, which will help improve the bottom-line for companies and increase efficiency. Also, thanks to the advancement in AI semantics, customers can choose to interact with the chatbots in their vernacular language, for personalized customer experience.


It is irrefutable that AI is going to play a pivotal role in Digital Marketing going forward. Be it for more personalized customer experience, better engagement, efficient customer service or higher ROI, AI seems to be the way forward.

About the Author:

Harsh Vardhan Dutta is a digital marketing consultant, currently at the helm of Italics, a content writing company in India. He spends a large part of his time exploring tech-related marketing techniques that lead to growth marketing.