
5 Simple Ways to Securely Share Your Videos | Video Sharing Platforms

It’s fascinating when we think about how much digital data nowadays is being transmitted over the internet. Digital data includes videos, and sharing them is another form of information sharing. Forecast believes that the typical video viewing time per person will reach 100 minutes each day by 2021. While the general audience shares videos personally, businesses share them as their digital marketing tool. 

Sharing videos fast while maintaining security is a challenge. Research by the National Institute of Standards and Technology has shown that risks include a potential breach of sensitive information, classified information, Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). This can directly lead to legal action, financial loss, violation of compliance, damage to business reputation, etc.

Moreover, there can be problems while sharing videos which ultimately affects productivity. For example, it is highly time-consuming to securely share a large video through email because there is a limit to file size. So, it is almost impossible to share multiple files manually with various team members. 

For you to share smartly, we will be discussing 5 Video Sharing Platforms.  Luckily, there are some alternatives that will let you share with as little friction as possible. You have several options to choose from based on your requirements, whether you want to drag and drop, tap into tools or share via a cloud platform. 

Let us discuss, shall we? 


The easiest and simplest way to share videos privately is via cloud file-sharing platforms. Through cloud platforms, you can remotely access your videos anytime and anywhere. However, they don’t provide encryption and crucial security options. EVCM can usually cover these limitations. 

One of the options to share efficiently is via cloud sharing platforms. Cloud allows remote access to videos anytime and anywhere. However, these platforms lack in terms of content encryption and enterprise-grade security options that Enterprise Video Sharing Platforms can provide.

Here are 3 top cloud file sharing platforms: 

YouTube – Private Video Sharing With Low Security:

The most popular and simple video-sharing option is YouTube. Depending on your goals, it can be the right platform, but for secure sharing or enterprise-grade video use, you must think again! You can unlist and tweak the settings to make your videos private, but that is the limit to the security offered by YouTube. 

Secured Sharing Through Enterprise Video Sharing Platform

VIDIZMO, a Gartner-recognized Enterprise Video platform, which allows you to publish and manage videos securely in one place. It has multiple secure video sharing with added advantage is as follows:


WeTransfer is a simpler platform for secure video-sharing. However, it’s not suitable for large files and collaborative efforts in large organizations. Most of the features are only included in the paid version. 

Wistia Video Sharing Platform:

Wistia is a marketing software and a well-known video sharing platform for anonymous users. A big plus is that it allows you to embed videos on external sites and supports SEO optimization. Some other features offered by Wistia are:

What to Choose?

There are multiple options to share your video content, from simple cloud file-sharing platforms to enterprise-grade video sharing platforms. The question is what to choose? Which options will be the best for your unique use case? To drill down the answer, you need to figure out your purpose for private video sharing. Based on your size, bandwidth, access controls, or other video requirements, you can choose to go for one of the above-mentioned secure video sharing solutions.

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