
The Best Decision I Have Ever Made:1394TA

In this article, I will write about the best decision I have ever made! I am saying “the best decision” because, thanks to my experience with 1394TA, I quit my corporate job and started a new journey on Instagram. Now, I am working as a full-time influencer and even doubled my income compared to my previous job!

If you are interested in building an Instagram career, then you should read this one. If I had not met 1394TA, I would not have had the courage to start a new journey on Instagram.

How did I Meet 1394TA?

At that time, I considered becoming an influencer, but I did not know how to start growing my profile. One day, while searching for SMM (Social Media Marketing) panels, I came across 1394TA. 

I was very hesitant at first because I had 2 questions on my mind: 

  1. Is it safe in terms of payment?
  2. Is there a possibility of getting suspended because of the followers I bought?

After using 1394TA a couple of times, I was relieved that none of my worries were realistic. I will explain why I no longer worry about these later. First, I want to tell you what you can find on the panel to boost your Instagram engagement with

What Instagram Services Does 1394TA Provide?

With its specialization on the Instagram platform, 1394TA provides three high-quality services with the best prices; Instagram followers, Instagram likes, and Instagram views. 

Instagram Followers

For those who want to get discovered fast, having a high number of followers is necessary. That was my dream when I first decided to use an SMM panel. What makes 1394TA special in the SMM panel market is that it guarantees that all followers you buy from them are real and active followers.

As it has a huge database, it provides you with real followers who will be 100% interested in your content, so they will never unfollow you. Moreover, since they are real accounts, they will always be active. They will engage with your content by liking, commenting, and sharing. 

So, if you have concerns about receiving bot or unreal followers, you can leave those worries away. I also used to have these concerns, but now that I am happy with the result, I can comfortably recommend it. 

Instagram Likes

Having a high number of followers is not enough on its own to make your profile a successful one. If you have so many followers and just a few of them like your posts, then it is a red flag. 

Because when brands are searching for influencers to collaborate with, they always look at their engagement rates. And it is related to both your follower count and how many people engaged with your post (like, comment, save, share, etc.). So, ensuring that you have a suitable number of likes is critical. 

Fortunately, 1394TA provides genuine likes thanks to their advanced algorithms and targeting methods. Thus, your engagement rate will increase, and so does your chance to get discovered!

Instagram Views

Another metric that helps you rank higher in the Instagram algorithm is your view count, the third service it gives. 

If you put so much effort into the quality of your content and nobody is viewing it, it is time to make your move. Buying authentic likes never killed anybody. This is the service I use a lot to improve my Reel reach. 

Since Reels is the most favored content format by the Instagram algorithm, it is especially important to increase your view count to be discovered. I use this strategy because I do my best to post 3 reels weekly on my profile and buy views from 1394TA. 

Thanks to this strategy, my reels appear on the Explore Page, and I am increasing my engagement rate.

Benefits of 1394TA

Now that I have informed you about the services that it provides, it is time to talk about why I am recommending this panel:

Now It is Your Turn

I did my best to share my experience with you as a brand-new influencer. If you are considering using an SMM panel, I recommend 1394TA. I am sure you will not regret it even for one second!

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